It seems the buzzword this year has been 3D, be it 3D TVs, 3D cameras, 3D printers and of course, Nintendo’s 3DS.
Whilst there’s been a a large amount of 3DS game releases in the last few months, there have been none in the Brain trainer genre, one of my favourite game genres. This is where Puzzler Mind Gym has filled that gap. Puzzler media has just launched the worlds first ‘brain trainer’ game in 3D, Puzzler Mind Gym 3D for the 3DS.
Puzzler Mind Gym 3D offers daily mind gym challenges set by neuroscientist and all-round Brainiac, professor Ian Robertson. It features a 90-day brain work-out program allowing players to flex their memory muscle. Something I most definitely need to do since I developed ‘mummy brain’ – or something I have renamed ‘mush brain.’
The 3D brain exercises are for all ages and utitlise 4 categories – visual, memorisation, word-based and numerical.
Like most brain-training games, players can can track their progress as they complete an exercise and get numerous tips and advice from the Prof to keep your mind sharp (where do I sign up?!)
The 3D element however really shines as players can learn about different areas of the brain and its functions via 3D brain models, as they complete different exercises.
I remember when I was a kid, I loved puzzles and I think a lot of children do, so its definitely a game for all the family and the brain modelling will really attract kids (ooh, brains!)
Puzzler Mind Gym 3D is priced at £29.99 and available from the usual shops, including Tesco and Game, as well as direct from the Puzzler Store (currently with a 10% discount)