Please let me introduce myself.
I’m Gadget Mum.
I love gadgets – good, bad, if I like the look of them I buy, try and sometimes chuck them.
The mum in me is one of a 2 1/2 yr old little monster girl who’s saintly with others and devilish with me.
However, I’m a geeky gadget mum. I’ve always been a bit of a geek and love new technology, old technology, kids gadgets, house gadgets and just everyday gadgets that are meant to make life easier…or not as the case may be.
I do get obsessive about things, but this comes and goes in phases – thankfully I don’t have much time anymore now I have the little monster (We’ll call her LM from now)
I used to blog and worked in the ‘internet’ industry for quite a while, when it was still all new and shiny and no-one really had the ‘web’. Then I did some other stuff, but stayed close to the internet until I had LM. Now she’s off to nursery I have a little bit more time on my hands and thought i’d discover what was out there yonder on the interwebs. I discovered twitter and competitions – and another obsessive phase began. If you find me on twitter, or want to follow me!/humanb3an I tweet lots of competitions.
Whilst twittering I discovered lots of yummy mummies that blogged. And they write some fantastic blogs. So I’ll let them do what they do best and I’ll concentrate on gadgets
I hope you enjoy it and if there’s anything you’d like to see on here, please get in touch
You always find that when the children come along they are the one playing with the gadgets while were the ones taking care of the little monsters hehe enjoy your free time and the competitions