Review of the Unique Antibac Pen – and Giveaway – WINNERS

I was recently given the opportunity to take a look at the rather unique Antibac pen.

The Antibac Pen

Stop the spread of 99.9% of all bacteria using a pen

The Antibac pen is essentially a normal pen that you or your kids can keep in your handbag or their pencil case. But its also a pretty special pen inasmuch that when you touch it, there’s a special agent within the plastic shell that immediately starts destroying any bacteria. In fact, it kills more than 99.9% of all harmful bacteria and viruses from the second it comes into contact with it. The pen is effective over its total lifetime, is child (and all people) safe and non-carcinogenic. Its also the only antibacterial pen approved by British Standards and effective against MRSA, E-Coli, Listeria, Salmonella and all those other nasty superbugs that are picked up at hospitals.

At first, I must admit, I thought this was a strange thing to have on a pen, but the more I thought about it and used it, I found it ingenious. If you think about it, how many people use or borrow pens and leave them lying around? And with Winter coming, how much bacteria and nasty germs will be transmitted via sharing pens?

Its also a great idea to get for your kids for their pencil cases without breaking the bank (stocking filler at Christmas perhaps?). The Antibac pen is chockful of cool geeky terms that your kids will love to show off to their friends. Its a ‘Certified Superbug Killer’. It has a ‘secret agent’ of specially treated plastic. Its activated by touch and kills every bug it comes into contact with.

And for mums, its a great gadget to try to stop the spread of colds and flu in the coming months

The Antibac pen is available to buy on their website

I have Two Antibac Pens to giveaway



All the entries were put into a spreadsheet and the winners were picked using

The winners will have 7 days to claim their prize otherwise I will choose another.

Congratulations Lorraine Wilson @CT1210 on twitter

and Jamie Gallagher @gamesquest1 on twitter

I will be getting in touch with Lorraine and and Jamie directly

Thank you to everyone who entered


there are 3 ways to enter:

1. Subscribe to my blog on the right hand side (email subscription or via google friend connect)

2. Follow me on twitter and tweet by clicking this twitter button  
or copy and pasting the following:

I want to win the antibac pen on Enter Here : via @humanb3an

3. Or Like and Share this post on my Facebook page (under ‘follow me on the web’ on the right hand side of this page)

You get an entry for every step you’ve made (up to 3 entries)

Please let me know in the comments box below what you’ve done.

UK residents only

Ends on october 23rd.


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72 Responses to Review of the Unique Antibac Pen – and Giveaway – WINNERS

  1. kerry brown says:

    i have tweeted @kerrybabyharvey

  2. kerry brown says:

    have subscribed via email and gfc xx

  3. Mellissa williams says:

    Have subscribed to your blog 🙂

  4. Mellissa williams says:

    Following you on twitter melandjake99 and retweeted

    Cool pen i must say!

  5. Mellissa williams says:

    Just liked on Facebook and off to share

    Thanks for running this interesting blog I think it great !

  6. Jamie Gallagher says:

    tweeted followed on FB and email sub

  7. Katherine Aitken says:

    I have subscribed by e-mail and follow you via gfc

  8. Katherine Aitken says:

    Following you on twitter, and I tweeted as @mumoffunkids.!/mumoffunkids/status/120733224568750080

  9. Katherine Aitken says:

    Following on facebook too. Thanks for the opportunity.

  10. Kate Cunningham says:

    Following you on GFC

  11. Kate Cunningham says:

    Following you in twitter and have tweeted @01592_katie!/01592_katie/status/120813907379109888

  12. Kate Cunningham says:

    Liked and shared on Facebook.

    Thanks for giveaway.

  13. beth paton says:

    lovely prize tweeted and following @bethspaton

  14. Ashleigh Allan says:

    i am subscribed with gfc as mummy24

  15. Ashleigh Allan says:

    i have followed and tweeted as @ashlallan

  16. iain maciver says:

    have done all three

  17. coco says:

    subscribed to your blog (google friend)

  18. Alison Sperry says:

    I’m following your blog with GFC.

    I’m following you on Twitter and have tweeted about the giveaway @googoodoll83.

    I’ve liked your Facebook page (I’m Alison Sperry (Ducky)).

    This would be a dream prize for me because I have quite a severe case of germophobia. If I don’t win I’ll buy one lol. 😀

  19. Lorraine Wilson says:

    tweeted & gfc @CT1210

  20. claire woods says:

    I’ve done all 3:
    claire woods

  21. Emma Howard says:

    Have subscribed to you via email

  22. Laura Pritchard says:

    I’ve subscribed to your blog

  23. Laura Pritchard says:

    I’ve followed you on Twitter & tweeted @Isis1981uk

  24. Francesca Light-Wilson says:

    I’m following on Twitter and have tweeted the competition message as@LoveWinning. I’ve also liked the Facebook page 🙂

  25. DENISE CROSS says:

    I have subscribed to your blog

  26. DENISE CROSS says:

    i have tweeted the message on Twitter (as foxyowl)

  27. DENISE CROSS says:

    I have liked and shared on facebook (redrobin)

  28. Tracey says:

    Following and liked and shared – Mmmm – not sure how this works though!? Can we have Anit Bac everything? Is it healthy to have Anti – Bac everything?

  29. CLARE ALLEN says:

    followed on gfc 🙂

  30. Claire Nelson says:

    Subscribed to the blog and via GFC as @auroradreaming

  31. Claire Nelson says:

    Following you on twitter and tweeted as @auroradreaming

  32. Erica Price says:

    Tweeted @ericahughes

  33. bev_metallica on Twitter says:

    Followed via GFC

  34. bev_metallica on Twitter says:

    Long time Twitter stalker and have just tweeted. The pen sounds like a fabulous idea – I get so sick of lending people a pen and seeing them stick it in their mouth as they ponder what to write! Ewww!

  35. Marzena says:

    I have subscribed to your blog via google friend connect as Marzena

    @marzutek on twitter

  36. Marzena says:

    I am following you on twitter and I tweeted @marzutek

  37. Marzena says:

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    @marzutek on twitter

  38. Jodie Smith says:

    I seriously need one of these in my life. Might help keep my daughter’s hands germ free at any rate!
    GFC: meetjosmith
    tweeted: @meetjosmith
    FB: Jo Mse Smith


  39. Maya Russell says:

    Following with GFC as M.

  40. Maya Russell says:

    Following on Twitter and tweeted.

  41. Maya Russell says:

    Liked the competition post on Facebook as Maya Russell.

  42. gardenteacakesandme says:

    I’m following on GFC and I’ve tweeted too


    I’ve followed and RT’d @FlorrieFloyd.

  44. alison wakefield says:

    Am following your lovely blog
    following and have tweeted @couesquelan
    I’m a liker on fb Alison Wakefield

  45. Diane Carey says:

    Now following your blog.
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  46. Ami Pilbrow says:

    I’ve subscribed to your blog

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  48. Kate Lancaster says:

    liked and shared on facebook 🙂

  49. anita oliver says:

    tweeted as neet 181 🙂

  50. Dessiree Brown-Llaneza says:

    Hello There!
    I have followed and tweeted (@desbrownllaneza)
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    Many Thanks

  51. ann lockyer says:

    following you on facebook and tweeting @cupcake302851

  52. phyllis ellett says:

    Following you via GFC with phyllgerry

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    Following on twitter and tweeted this great prize with @phyllgerry

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  58. sarah clegg says:

    im following your blog
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    im following on twitter and tweeted comp name of sarahclegg2

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    following on fb in name of sarah clegg and shared comp on wall x

  61. Hayley Todd says:

    I follow you on GFC 🙂

  62. Laura Parish says:

    Subscribed to you, follow on twitter, tweeted about you and liked you on facebook.

  63. Sheila Reeves says:

    already follow you via GFC @compcake

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  68. Dorothee77 says:

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