I’ve been holding back a bit on this, although why I’m not sure.
But with the recent news about the passing of Steve Jobs, I feel now is a good time to finally post this. Anyone who even slightly knows me will know that I have one major aim in my obsession with competitions – that is to win an iPad 2. Its actually one of the reasons I started to enter competitions – and no, I still haven’t won one.
I don’t know why I want an iPad, or what I would do with it but its been sitting at the top of my ‘WISHLIST’ for a long long time.
Maybe its just a ‘coolness’ factor – but that’s not really me. I’m not really in the cool crowd.
I have a tablet, so its not that. I have Apple products as well, so its not like it’ll be my first foray into the Apple universe.
Its just one of those magical products that you just want for no reason at all – except perhaps for the app store, the utilities, the ease of use, the screen size, face time. Actually, I think I know what it is – I think I just want to ‘slide to unlock’
oooh – I could have written this – agree entirely. Lets hope we win one soon!
Here’s to hoping!